L'altra notte in fondo al mare
Il mio bimbo hanno gittato, Or per farmi delirare dicon ch'io L'abbia affogato. L'aura è fredda, Il carcer fosco, E la mesta anima mia Come il passero del bosco Vola, vola, vola via. Ah! Pietà di me! In letargico sopore E' mia madre addormentata, E per colmo dell'orrore dicon ch'io L'abbia attoscata. L'aura è fredda, Il carcer fosco... Here is a very approximate literal translation of the above (please bear with my less than perfect master of the Italian language and do not hesitate to suggest corrections): |
The other night at the bottom of the ocean
they threw my baby there. Now, in order to drive me mad, they told me he has drowned. The dawn is frigid, my jail cell grim, and my sad spirits, like a sparrow of the woods, flies, flies, flies away. Ah! Pity me! Into a lethargic stupor my mother fell asleep, and, crowning the horror, they say that I poisoned her. The dawn is frigid...., |